A Baby's Best Start

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Human milk is the preferred food for all human newborns.

- American Academy of Pediatrics






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Austin, TX Lactation Services   (512) 873-0700

Please read About A Baby’s Best Start to understand how I grew into my practice in Austin, TX.  You will see that I have been involved with babies and breastfeeding for 30 years.  I have found that nearly every breastfeeding issue has a solution, if the mother is dedicated to breastfeeding. 

If you seek help, and live in the Austin, TX area, here is how I can help: 

  1. During Pregnancy... get a pre-natal exam. This is absolutely the best way to know exactly where you stand with respect to breastfeeding before your baby arrives. Potential problems can be recognized and a solution developed.

  2. During pregnancy, attend one of our breastfeeding classes. Classes are given twice a month and cover such topics as how to get the baby to latch-on correctly, how to tell if the baby is getting enough milk, how often to breastfeed, how to prevent sore nipple and breast infections, how to choose a breast pump and other topics of interest.

  3. After your discharge from the hospital, if a problem arises, call A Baby’s Best Start for a consultation appointment. Your consultation can take place in our office or in your home. 

If you live in the Austin, TX area, give me a call.  All sessions take place in privacy, with you, your baby, and your husband, if present. I will ask questions, obtain your history, make an assessment, offer practical suggestions, and give you a written feeding plan. Consultations are thorough and the necessary time is taken to assure your success. Follow-up is provided by phone or, if needed, another one-on-one visit.

Here is important information about me.

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Michigan State University.

  • International Board Certified Lactation Consultant since 1990. Re-certified in 1995. 2000, and 2005.

  • Mother of 4 breastfed children.

  • Educator of breastfeeding mothers since 1974.

  • Founder and coordinator of lactation program with Integris Baptist Medical Center Oklahoma City, OK.

  • Extensive hospital experience as registered nurse in maternal-child nursing, including newborn nursery, labor and delivery, postpartum, NICU.

  • Former educator and mentor of lactation consultants with Breastfeeding Support Consultants Center for Lactation Education.

  • Researcher into breastfeeding of the premature infant.

  • Private practice in Austin, Texas since 1995 helping more than 500 mothers and babies every year.

Cathy Clark, RN, BSN, IBCLC   (512) 873-0700

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